Strimmig jättegröe, Glyceria maxima 'Variegata', är ett läckert limefärgat Höstrudbeckia, Rudbeckia laciniata, är en gammaldags perenn som klarar sig 


Detailed Description Perennial BOGO Free Maxima Black Eyed Susan - RUDBECKIA maxima. 4-6' tall, full sun, mid-late summer bloom. Sunny yellow coneflower petals with large black seed heads soar high above blue-green paddle-shaped foliage.

Easy. Rudbeckia maxima is an overlooked impact plant. This unique giant black-eyed Susan has a deciduous basal rosette of waxy blue foliage resembling a collard. In late spring through early summer, the flower stalks of Rudbeckia maxima can rise to over 7 feet tall.

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- maxima Rudbeckia fulgida 'Little Gold Star' Strålrudbeckia. 50. Rudbeckia hirta 191 . Frullania fragilifolia 185 .

This unique giant (the clue is in the name Maxima!)black-eyed Susan has a deciduous basal rosette of waxy blue foliage resembling a cabbage.

Rudbeckia maxima This yellow coneflower grows from a rosette of large bluish-green leaves. In late spring, it sends up a sturdy, tall stalk with, way at the top, flowers whose most prominent feature is the dark central conical disk, which juts out further than on most other coneflowers. Leaves clasp the stem in an elegant way

Suggested uses. Wildflower, Prairie planting, Low Maintenance, Flower Arranging, Cottage/Informal, Beds and borders, Wildlife.

Rudbeckia maxima

Rudbeckia maxima, the great coneflower, is a flowering plant in the family Asteraceae, which is used as an ornamental plant. They can reach a maximum height of eight feet. Once it produces seeds, finches and other small birds come to feed on them. Rudbeckia maxima.

Rudbeckia maxima

Rudbeckia maxima. This yellow coneflower grows from a rosette of large bluish-green leaves.

While this plant likes wet feet, it is surprisingly drought resistant.
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Rudbeckia maxima

In late spring, it sends up a sturdy, tall stalk with, way at the top, flowers whose most prominent feature is the dark central conical disk, which juts out further than on most other coneflowers. Leaves clasp the stem in an elegant way Rudbeckia laciniata is affectionately known as the “Out House Plant”. The large yellow flowers have a whimsical look and make excellent cut flowers or even a good choice for a children’s garden or fairy garden.

Rudbeckia maxima | Knoll Gardens | Ornamental Grasses and Flowering Perennials. Rudbeckia maxima | Knoll Gardens | Ornamental Grasses and Flowering  Rudbeckia laciniata Goldquelle.
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Rudbeckia hirta 191 . Frullania fragilifolia 185 . Salix alba 234 . Nostoc pruniformis f . maxima turbinatum 185 . 215 . Cesia andreceoides 195 . Edogonium sp .

Rudbeckia maxima Giant ConeflowerCommon Name: large coneflower Zone: 4 to 9 Native Range: Central and southern United States Height: 5 to 7 feet Spread: 3 to Rudbeckia maxima, commonly called large coneflower, features a basal clump of huge, glaucous, paddle-shaped, bluish-green leaves (to 24” long and 10” wide) from which rise in summer sturdy, sparsely-leaved flower stalks to 7’ tall bearing yellow-rayed coneflowers (to 3” across). Each coneflower has slightly drooping rays and tall dark brown central Plant database entry for Large Coneflower (Rudbeckia maxima) with 39 images, 2 comments, and 32 data details. Add to Cart. This Rudbeckia species is native only to the southern states of Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Texas, but has been introduced into Missouri.

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Gardeners everywhere know the annual black-eyed Susan (R. hirta) and its perennial cousin, R. fulgida, which look a lot alike and set the expectation for what a Rudbeckia should look like. The great coneflower is a perennial species that shares the general character of its more common black-eyed Susan kin, but is so very different.

Rudbeckia General Information Rudbeckia Maxima are also commonly called cabbage leaf coneflower in reference to the basal foliage.