Organizational types Direct Reporting Unit. A Direct Reporting Unit (DRU) is an agency of the United States Department of the Air Force that is outside the bounds of the standard organizational hierarchy by being exclusively and uniquely under the control of Air Force headquarters alone, rather than reporting through a major command.The term "direct reporting unit" comes from the fact that the


In 1947, at about the same time that the USAF was officially formed, DoD regulation 5304.9003 was promulgated which required that the sequence number now have at least 3 digits. This means that fiscal year serials with individual sequence numbers less than 100 are filled up with zeroes to bring them up to 3 digits in length.

AAC. -Military. 9.9. 8.1. 8.9. (AAC). Air Force Audit Agency.

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Organizational types Direct Reporting Unit. A Direct Reporting Unit (DRU) is an agency of the United States Department of the Air Force that is outside the bounds of the standard organizational hierarchy by being exclusively and uniquely under the control of Air Force headquarters alone, rather than reporting through a major command.


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Outbound assignments, a section under the 341st Force Support Squadron, notify Airmen of their PCS and assist in a smooth transition of household goods, prepare housing requirements and more. 18 AAC 50 Reference Materials. Alaska's Air Quality Regulations contained in 18 AAC 50 incorporate materials by reference and contain references in many of its sections to external material. For the public's convenience, referenced materials are made available for each section below. AAC 16 – On Control Roster AAC 17 – Pending SP/AFOSI Investigation AAC 19 – Referral EPR AAC 21 – Commander Hold Option AAC 25 – Enlisted Person Selected for Special Duty AAC 27 – Nominated to HQ USAF/MAJCOM for Selective Assignment AAC 31 – Medical Deferment AAC 37 – Medical and/or Physical Evaluation Board (MEB/PEB) 5. In 1947, at about the same time that the USAF was officially formed, DoD regulation 5304.9003 was promulgated which required that the sequence number now have at least 3 digits.

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AFDD 3-50, Personnel Recovery Operations to reflect revised AFI 10-1301, Air Force Doctrine (9 August 2010). AFDD numbering has changed to correspond with the joint doctrine publication numbering architecture.

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Numbered USAF Historical Studies No. 101-150; No. Title Microfilm Reel IRIS Number 101. (U) The AAF in the South Pacific to October 1942, by Kramer J. Rohfleisch (1944). 235 pages. K1012 467685: 102. (U) Origins of the Eighth Air Force: Plans, Organization, Doctrines, by James L. Cate (1944). 143 pages. K1012 467686: 103.

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