Stockholm University is one of the world's top 100 universities. Education is available at all levels, including Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD degrees. On this page you can read about what we offer at the different levels, check out our Master's programmes leaflet etc. You also find all our courses and programmes in our digital course catalogue.
Lund University uses a national application system run by University Admissions in Sweden. It is only possible to apply during the application periods. Step 1: Apply online. Check that you meet the entry requirements of the programme or course you are interested in (refer to the section above on this webpage).
Skift til kandidat på KU. Særlig støtte og SPS. Fra bachelor til kandidat. Tidsfrister og centrale datoer. Bachelor's degrees at the University of Botswana normally take four years. The system draws on both British and American models. Degrees are classified as First Class, Second Class Division One (2:1), Second Class Division Two (2:2) and Third as in English degrees, but without being described as honours.
Læs om optagelse i kvote 1 og kvote 2 og hvordan du laver en god ansøgning til universitetet. Watch on Youtube: Study Law at Lund University Lund University offers two international Master's programmes in law. Click on the name below to get to the programme webpage where you can read more about the specific programme, find information about the entry requirements, tuition fees and step-by-step instructions on how to apply. Vil du tage en bacheloruddannelse på Aarhus Universitet? Få overblik over alle vores uddannelser, adgangskrav, optagelse og meget mere på
Bachelor Ved Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur findes der 16 uddannelser på bachelorniveau. En bacheloruddannelse er det første trin i en universitetsuddannelse, hvor man efter tre års studier kan forlade universitetet med en bachelorgrad, eller man kan søge om optagelse på en kandidatuddannelse.
Tampere University offers Bachelor's degree programmes conducted entirely in English. If you don't find what you are looking for here, discover our other study options in English below at Study Search.
Kandidatexamen i Sverige. En Detta är tvååriga skolor med studier på undergraduate-nivå, en något lägre En bachelor's degree kan du ta på ett college eller ett universitet (se ovan om Här hittar du utbildningar som matchar sökningen "bachelor, Universitets- & högskoleutbildning, Distans". Gå igenom listan för att hitta en utbildning som passar Vill du ta en Bachlor's Degree utomlands? Vad innebär det att studera Bachelor's Degree utomlands?
Amsterdam University College. AUC is an international honours college that values academic excellence with an international and intercultural focus. The three-year Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor's programme is taught in English and has a strong offering in the sciences.
Apply for one of four international Bachelor's programmes, all based in Visby on the island of Gotland. Universitet og høgskole. Lagre i favoritter Bachelor i sosialt arbeid, Bachelor, 3 år, Nord universitet, Generell studiekompetanse, 38.50, 43.60.
Fully online, undergraduate degrees and programs from the University of Florida. Become a Gator on your terms with UF Online. Some four-year bachelor programs include an honours qualification. If you study one of these programs, you will automatically graduate with honours. Other programs, like USC’s Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics, don’t require an extra year of study, but let you choose an honours ‘pathway’ in your third or fourth
The next Bachelor's Open Days will take place this fall.
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Check that you meet the entry requirements of the programme or course you are interested in (refer to the section above on this webpage). Universitet är ett högre lärosäte med forskning och utbildning.
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Students, who hold a Bachelor's degree from another country than Sweden, have to show their original Bachelor's degree to the Graduation Office in order to be
Se här om du uppfyller behörighetskraven och har rätt Uddannelsens nummer på 17115 – både bachelor og kandidatdelen læses i Odense. Uddannelsens nummer på 17117 Hela utbildningsprogram på danskt universitet. Det finns vissa Kandidatuddannelserne är en påbyggand till en bachelor. Totalt sett kan The BSc Program in Retail Management (180 ECTS credits) is a unique at SSE or a Master program at another college or university in Sweden or abroad. Facts about the University on Sophiahemmet Högskola. Bachelor's degrees/bachelor's degree, 180 HE credits (3 years of education): 181. Specialist nursing Universitets- och högskolerådets logotyp.