Scania AB (publ) SE-151 87 Södertälje Tel. +46 8 553 810 00 Corporate identity number Sweden Fax +46 8 553 810 37 556184-8564 Scania Interim Report, January–September 2014 Summary of the first nine months of 2014 Operating income rose by 7 percent to SEK 6,356 m. (5,939)
Scania AB (publ) SE-151 87 Södertälje Tel. +46 8 553 810 00 Corporate identity number Sweden Fax +46 8 553 810 37 556184-8564 Scania Interim Report, January–September 2014 Summary of the first nine months of 2014 Operating income rose by 7 percent to SEK 6,356 m. (5,939) Scania AB (publ) SE-151 87 Södertälje tel. +46 8 553 810 00 Swedish corporate identity number Sweden fax +46 8 553 810 37 556184-8564 Scania Interim Report, January-September 2011 Summary of the first nine months of 2011 Operating income rose to SEK 9,657 m. (9,021), and earnings per share rose to SEK 9.11 (7.63) 19 July 2013 Scania AB (publ) SE-151 87 Södertälje Tel. +46 8 553 810 00 Corporate identity number Sweden Fax +46 8 553 810 37 556184-8564 Scania Interim Report J Investors. Annual General Meeting 2021.
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Period of silence Q1. 2021-03-29 - 2021-04-27. Interim report Q1. 2021-04-27. Annual General Meeting Scania förlänger därmed alla tre installationer av GEPS och Griffin IoT samt får möjlighet till de uppgraderingar som HDW utvecklat under 2020 med bland annat AI och Vision technologi. Syftet är att gemensamt med H&D Wireless fortsätta arbeta med realtidspositionering, IoT och maskindata i fabrikerna och att börja integrera dessa i Scanias mjukvarusystem. 2021-04-23 · Investor relation policy KONGSBERG shall provide the equity market with relevant, comprehensive information as the basis for a balanced, correct valuation of the share. Board of directors Lastbiltillverkaren Scania sålde nästan 21 000 lastbilar under andra kvartalet i år, säger Per Hillströms på Scania investor relations, till länstidningen. 27 April 2018 Scania AB (publ) 556184 Corporate idenity number -8564 151 87 Södertälje Sweden Tel: +46 8 553 810 00 Fax +46 8 553 810 37 .
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Investors Scania is a world- leading provider of transport solutions. Together with our partners and customers we are driving the shift towards a sustainable transport system.
Please choose in the drop-down list for questions on: • Scania's financial information (interim reports, annual and sustainability reports) and corporate governance, choose Scania Investor Relations. • Scania's debt programmes (commercial paper, medium-term notes, corporate bonds and other forms of credits), choose Scania Treasury.
Scania Interim Report, January–March 2014. Summary of the first three months of 2014 • Operating income rose to SEK 2,257 m. (1,933), and earnings per share rose to SEK 1.95 (1.75) • Net sales rose by 9 percent to SEK 21,126 m. (19,341) • Cash flow amounted to SEK 730 m. (-88) in Vehicles and Services
(9,021), and earnings per share rose to SEK 9.11 (7.63) 19 July 2013 Scania AB (publ) SE-151 87 Södertälje Tel. +46 8 553 810 00 Corporate identity number Sweden Fax +46 8 553 810 37 556184-8564 Scania Interim Report J Scania publishes Annual and Sustainability Report 2020 Though heavily impacted by disruptions due to the pandemic, To Investor Relations Current Topics. People | 2021-04-15 Sustainable transformation as the key to success. How do companies transform 2021-04-22 Aktieägare som vill delta i stämman ska anmäla sitt deltagande till Bolaget senast den 3 maj 2021, per post på adress Hitech & Development Wireless Sweden Holding AB, Färögatan 33, 164 51 Kista, per e-post
If you experience any issues with this process, please contact us for further assistance. By providing your email address below, you are providing consent to Navistar, Inc. to send you the requested Investor Email Alert updates. In Oslo, Scania and ASKO are testing battery electric trucks in everyday use. The potential is huge.
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(5,939) Scania AB (publ) SE-151 87 Södertälje tel. +46 8 553 810 00 Swedish corporate identity number Sweden fax +46 8 553 810 37 556184-8564 Scania Interim Report, January-September 2011 Summary of the first nine months of 2011 Operating income rose to SEK 9,657 m. (9,021), and earnings per share rose to SEK 9.11 (7.63) 19 July 2013 Scania AB (publ) SE-151 87 Södertälje Tel. +46 8 553 810 00 Corporate identity number Sweden Fax +46 8 553 810 37 556184-8564 Scania Interim Report J Investors. Annual General Meeting 2021. The Annual General Meeting will be held on April 27th, 2021, at 4:00 p.m.
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Latest Financial Event. March 31, 2021 / , Sweden.
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Here you can find all details needed to get in contact with Investor Relations at Scania. Scania CV AB Volvo has sold all its B shares in Scania AB to Deutsche Bank for Investor Relations: Fredrik Brunell, +46 31 66 11 91 or +46 705 59 10 Sweco har anlitats som konsult i ett partneringsamarbete när Scania planerar ett nytt gjuteri i Södertälje. Den nya anläggningen kommer att bli cirka 22 000 kvm The investment in a new foundry is one of Scania's largest industrial investments.
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Investor Relations. Q4 and full year 2020 results. A year of unity, resilient operations and strategic moves. View results. Reports and presentations. Annual report 2020.
2020 Annual report 11mb PDF; 2020 Annual report - Financials only 808 KB PDF; 2020 Q4 Earnings Release 1MB Latest Financial Event. March 31, 2021 / , Sweden. Annual General Meeting 2021. March 31, 2021.