Looks like the Pizzagate Sub on Voat.co is down for now: Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.


Abramovic's ties with "John of God" | pizzagate 3/10/19, 819 AM https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3018517 Page 1 of 4 32 Search Voat (via searchvoat.co)

Pizzagate handlar om ett misstänkt pedofilnätverk på högsta nivå Her evidence to connect me to the so-called Worldcorpo is extremely weak when it's literally just somebody from Twitter who downloaded a photo of me from my Voat users were much more intimate with each other than other sites (chances are you have a handful of enemies and a handful of friends that you can list by name at a moment’s notice). Voat always had a better community dynamic than any other site on the internet. Considering everything, Voat was untouchable. Massive Repository of Indisputable PizzaGate Evidence DC PizzaGate: A Primer UPDATED 12/02. Suspected Pedophile Ring Exposed.

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Massive Repository of Indisputable PizzaGate Evidence DC PizzaGate: A Primer UPDATED 12/02. Suspected Pedophile Ring Exposed. I’ve created this blog to share the information 4chan has collectively gathered and researched about a suspected pedophilia and human trafficking ring that we seem to have uncovered existing within our DC politicians and the elite class. Fully Sourced Executive Summary of Pizzagate Evidence (Updated 1/13/2017) by Millennial_Falcon Voat.co. Note: If you want to copy and paste this to save locally, click “source” at the bottom and copy that, so the embedded links will be included. Also, be aware that this is a work in progress, and there is much evidence still to be added.

Shortly after that the Epstein jail fail incident happened and we created this blog so the topic wouldn’t dominate the parent blog, the Flying Cuttlefish Picayune . 2021-01-26 · As BuzzFeed News reports, the unsubstantiated Pizzagate speculation started with a few tweets and festered into a full-blown community that spans the likes of 4chan, Voat, and Reddit, the latter Underground facility?


The main aim of this subreddit is to create easy to digest information about the … 169 Submission Info Posted by: darkknight111 (/user/darkknight111) Posting time: 19 hours ago on 8/6/2017 2:33:10 AM Last edit time: 17 hours ago on 8/6/2017 4:24:53 AM Voat is where Pizzagate broke and it's where it was investigated. Alefantis was stalking posters and other users were being gangstalked, as well. Some were killed.

Pizzagate voat

2018-07-30 · 6 Pizzagate Researchers Who Went Dark Since the research community is so heavily distracted with disinfo and false prophets lately, I thought it would be useful to compile a short list of silenced users and what they were working on before going dark. This list should serve as a kickoff point for researchers who want […]

Pizzagate voat

Last night or  Fausses nouvelles : un remède humain contre les mots incendiaires ? Photo by Elijah O Donell on Unsplash. Aux États-Unis, les plates-formes les plus souvent  3 May 2020 The site has now become an anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist platform that resembles an uncontrollable raging dumpster fire. Although to be fair,  22 Nov 2016 853 members in the PizzaGateMemes community.

Follow the active citizens investigation on Voat • Extended Investigative Summary of Pizzagate • Pizzagate/Pedogate Megadump (over 5,500 sources).
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Pizzagate voat

And  6 Aug 2017 (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1785466)".

While studying to become a MUFON investigator, Zimmerman frequently lurked Reddit.But, it wasn’t until the overwhelming abundance of primary documentation involving Pizzagate hit, coupled with the 2018-07-30 2016-12-07 2018-03-31 Abramovic's ties with "John of God" | pizzagate 3/10/19, 819 AM https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3018517 Page 1 of 4 32 Search Voat (via searchvoat.co) (Voat) Celebrity adoptions and child trafficking – Chris Rock, Angelina Jolie, Rosie O ‘Donnell (pizzagate) (Voat) 23 Men From Metro Atlanta Arrested In Underage Sex Sting! (Live Leak) Death, rapes, and broken bones at Philly’s only residential treatment center for troubled youth (Voat) This voat thread lists and links most of the suspicious emails leaked that relate to Pizzagate. This is useful. In a continuation of the tech sector progs’ attack against “fake news,” Apple CEO Tim Cook wants to ramp up efforts to suppress things like what we’ve investigating .
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6 Aug 2017 (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1785466)". 1 : Relevance: Posts must be directly relevant to investigation of Pizzagate: the sexual/physical.

A Google search for the term shows dozens of articles published on the topic in recent days, many of them dedicated to debunking the conspiracy. Reddit banned its Pizzagate community just before Thanksgiving, scattering its more committed subscribers to Voat—a Reddit-like site with less regard for hate speech, doxxing, or other nefarious Meanwhile, the exiled pizzagate subreddit (which has since moved to Reddit’s knockoff Voat) drummed up suspicion based on a traffic camera near Comet Ping Pong which they claim moved a day Rumors linking a well-known Brooklyn restaurant to the so-called Pizzagate hoax seem to have emerged in posts on an online message board late last month. A Voat user wrote of finding a For the uninitiated, Pizzagate is a conspiracy theory borne out of emails obtained by Wikileaks from Hillary Clinton's campaign chair, John Podesta. Some conspiracy theorists claimed that Podesta Investigation by "citizen investigators" on Reddit and Voat revealed a host of "evidence" that suggested Pizzagate was evidence of a satanic pedophile ring, operating at the highest levels in Washington.

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The Pizzagate subforum of Voat has three posts related to the missing D.C. girls. In addition to the one discussed herein, there's one which features TMZ's Harvey Levin's opinion on the disappearances , and another one that links to an article from VeryDicey , which states that Russia Today was the first mainstream news organization to report on the missing Washington, D.C. youth.

Suspected Pedophile Ring Exposed. I’ve created this blog to share the information 4chan has collectively gathered and researched about a suspected pedophilia and human trafficking ring that we seem to have uncovered existing within our DC politicians and the elite class. Fully Sourced Executive Summary of Pizzagate Evidence (Updated 1/13/2017) by Millennial_Falcon Voat.co. Note: If you want to copy and paste this to save locally, click “source” at the bottom and copy that, so the embedded links will be included. Also, be aware that this is a work in progress, and there is much evidence still to be added. Posts about #voat.co/v/pizzagate written by Amy James VOAT Pizzagate "This subverse is for the investigation of and dissemination of information related to #pizzagate." VOAT What to Focus On and Guidelines/Background for Newbies "We will continue to update the sticky as new things unfold." VOAT Q&A Thread "For those out of the loop.