Eleiko plates are precision crafted for performance and longevity. Shop our collection of IWF, IPF and WPPO certified plates for weightlifting and powerlifting, as well as a range of bumpers plates ideal for performance and functional strength training.
Eleiko Powerlifting Competition Change Plates are a stunning change plate made of chromed metal. High quality IPF approved discs have a large lip and curved edges for easy grip. DISCS SOLD INDIVIDUALLY (1 UNIT) Warranty terms and conditions To be dropped on 30 mm-thick rubber flooring (training platform recommended by Eleiko). Indoor use only.
Bredd: 26 mm. Diameter: 450 mm. Färg: Röd Eleiko Vulcano Disc - 25 kg, black. Säljs i enhet: STYCKVIS Vikt: 25 kg. Bredd: 43 mm. Diameter: 425 mm.
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Hitta deals från 3 butiker och läs omdömen på Prisjakt. Viktskivorna sträcker sig mellan 34mm till 64mm; 10kg-vikterna är 34mm, 15kg-vikterna är 42mm, 20kg-vikterna är 54mm och 25kg-vikterna är 64mm. Det betyder att du lätt och säkert kan lasta för även de tyngsta rekordlyften - upp till fem stycken 25kg-vikter på vardera hylsa på stången. Jämför priser på Eleiko Vulcano Disc 25kg. Hitta deals från 4 butiker och läs omdömen på Prisjakt. Jämför priser på Eleiko Olympic WL Competition Disc 25kg. Hitta deals från 1 butiker och läs omdömen på Prisjakt.
Comparison between two plate deliveries about 5 weeks apart, plus, at the end, the weight of Features & Highlights. Single Handle Height – The Eleiko Öppen Deadlift Bar offers a single handle height, which isn't as versatile as the dual handle height on other trap bar options.; Knurled Handle – This bar offers a 28mm knurled handle, exactly like you would find on Eleiko's coveted Olympic Weightlfiting bars.The knurl is moderate in texture with full coverage across the handle. Eleiko Olympic WL Technique Disc - 2,5 kg.
Eleiko Vulcano Disc Ett tyst, snyggt samt sä:kert val fö:r gymträ:ning. Stilren matt svart med tydligt vitt tryck samt tillverkade i en tå:lig kombination av polyuretan med stå:lkä:rna.?:
Certified and calibrated for record-setting lifts, these durable small plates range from .5 kg - 5 kg, come in an Olympic colour … Smaller Increases. Pair with the Eleiko Powerlifting Competition Change Plates for smaller weight increases. The plates are IPF approved metal plates with a large lip and curved edge for secure handling. Plates range from .25 kg to 5 kg, with the 5 kg disc are white while all other change plates are chromed.
Smaller Increases. For those times when smaller weight increments are needed, pair plates with our rubber coated change plates. Certified and calibrated for record-setting lifts, these durable small plates range from .5 kg - 5 kg, come in an Olympic colour scheme and feature a lipped edge for secure easy handling.
Disc Width. Plates range from 34mm to 64mm; the 10kg plate is 34 mm, the 15kg plate is 42mm, the 20kg plate is 54 mm and the 25 kg plate is 64 mm in width. This means you can comfortably and safely load even the heaviest record-setting lifts - up to five 25 kg plates on each competition bar sleeve. Carefully Calibrated. Eleiko’s IWF Weightlifting Training Plates are carefully calibrated to IWF specifications and kept within the tight tolerances; 10 kg within +/- 80 g, 15 kg within +/- 120 g, 20 kg within +/- 160 g and the 25 kg plates are within +/- 200 g.
Pair with the Eleiko Powerlifting Competition Change Plates for smaller weight increases. The plates are IPF approved metal plates with a large lip and curved edge for secure handling. Plates range from .25 kg to 5 kg, with the 5 kg disc are white while all other change plates are chromed. Eleiko’s Vulcano Discs are a solid steel core protected by a durable coating designed to withstand high volume varied training. Five generous grip holes are evenly spaced around the circumference of the discs for easy and secure handling. Varje tävlingsskiva från Eleiko är kalibrerad.
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Fiit and Eleiko partner to help make people stronger Eleiko UK is excited to be partnering with Fiit, the #1 rated fitness app in the App Store Diameter: 325 mm Colour: Green Eleiko IPF Powerlifting Competition Disc - 15 kg Weight: 15 kg Height: 19 mm Diameter: 400 mm Colour: Yellow. Eleiko IPF Powerlifting Competition Disc - 20 kg Weight: 20 kg. Height: 20 mm Diameter: 450 mm Colour: Blue. Eleiko IPF Powerlifting Competition Disc - 25 kg Weight: 25 kg.
Plates range from 34mm to 64mm; the 10kg plate is 34 mm, the 15kg plate is 42mm, the 20kg plate is 54 mm and the 25 kg plate is 64 mm in width. This means you can comfortably and safely load even the heaviest record-setting lifts - up to five 25 kg …
Carefully Calibrated.
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Eleiko Vulcano Disc - 25 kg, black. Säljs i enhet: STYCKVIS; Vikt: 25 kg; Bredd: 43 mm; Diameter: 425 mm; Färg: Svart; Garanti: 5 år; Diameter hål: 50 mm; Egenskap: Tyst användning; Eleiko Vulcano Disc - 20 kg, black. Säljs i enhet: STYCKVIS; Vikt: 20 kg; Bredd: 36 mm; Diameter: 425 mm; Färg: Svart; Garanti: 5 år; Diameter hål: 50 mm; Egenskap: Tyst användning
Indoor use only. Each competition disc from Eleiko is calibrated according to the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) rules, each competition plate over 5 kg to be +0.1% and -0.05%.
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Eleiko Sport Training Disc - 25 kg, coloured. Säljs i enhet: STYCKVIS; Vikt: 25 kg; Bredd: 62 mm; Diameter: 450 mm; Färg: Röd; Garanti: 3 år; Diameter hål:
2020-02-11 Eleiko Sport Training Disc - 25 kg, colored. A training disc in Olympic sizes and colours, perfect for strength training in Olympic sports centers, professional sports clubs, commercial gyms and CrossFit centers. Use it to squat, dead lift, free twists, jerks, power cleans, shoulder pressthe list of possible exercises is long!