MG-RAST is an open source, open submission web application server that suggests automatic phylogenetic and functional analysis of metagenomes. It is also one of the biggest repositories for metagenomic data.
Early RAST methods used for clinical diagnosis such as the PhRAST unfortunately had insufficient levels of sensitivity. As mentioned above, Fadal and Nalebuff modified the process by lowering the diagnostic cutoff point to increase sensitivity with only a slight lowering of specificity.
• The "download column" lets user download the fasta sequences and metadata that were submitted during analysis. • Click a link under "MG-RAST ID" o Try to answer following questions: How many sequences failed QC? Information provided on this Web site is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use this information on this web site or the information on links from this site to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. MG-RAST will make a reasonable effort to contact users via email of any changes. Your continued use of MG-RAST will be deemed acceptance thereof. Data publicly available in MG-RAST is available without restrictions (CC0 license), provided that both MG-RAST and the original authors are cited.
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As mentioned above, Fadal and Nalebuff modified the process by lowering the diagnostic cutoff point to increase sensitivity with only a slight lowering of specificity. Raster vs Vector .