Aug 25, 2017 Finland and joins as part-owner in FundedByMe Finland Sweden, with a local presence in Finland, Singapore and Malaysia. For further 


Bolaget består i dagsläget av, Feminvest och Laika Consulting (Emissionsmarknadsföringar samt Investor Relations), samt sex samägda partnerbolag i Finland, Malaysia, Singapore, Polen, Holland och Dubai/FAE. Gruppen når tillsammans över 269,000 registrerade globala investerarmedlemmar.

Announced earlier this year following announced equity crowdfunding regulations by the Malaysian government, Sweden-based FundedByMe and Alix “FundedByMe is strategically positioned as the bridge between Scandinavia and Asia as we early-on saw the trend of cross-border investments - in the first equity crowdfunding campaign from Malaysia, Halal Speed Dating, we saw that 40% of investors came from Europe, which is very exciting for both Asian and European entrepreneurs,” Daboczy continues. The Asian region is seeing an explosion in peer-to-peer activity, particularly, and crowdfunding in general,†says Daniel Daboczy, CEO and co-founder of Fundedbyme. “Fundedbyme is strategically positioned as the bridge between Scandinavia and Asia as we early-on saw the trend of cross-border investments – in the first equity crowdfunding campaign from Malaysia, FundedByMe awarded coveted Asian Peer-to-Peer permissions by Securities Commission Malaysia First Nordic crowdfunded campaign to be listed on stock exchange - now trading Press releases • May 19 Bolaget består i dagsläget av, Feminvest och Laika Consulting (Emissionsmarknadsföringar samt Investor Relations), samt sex samägda partnerbolag i Finland, Malaysia, Singapore, Polen, Holland och Dubai/FAE.

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FundedByMe Malaysia qualified for co-funding with Malaysian government‘s that allocates RM50M (€10,8M) from co-investment fund / Tue, Oct 15, 2019 08:30 CET Low resolution FundedByMe Malaysia, one of the six equity crowdfunding operators approved in Malaysia, announced its second equity crowdfunding campaign was launched for iTalent Management. Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) introduced six registered Peer-to-Peer (P2P) financing platform operators in Malaysia to widen funding avenues for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The six registered operators are B2B FinPAL, Ethis Kapital, FundedByMe Malaysia, ManagePay Services, Modalku Ventures and. Read More Malaysian Minister of Finance, Najib Razak and SC chairman Ranjit Ajit Singh handing over the award to FundedByMe Malaysia’s COO, Angelld Quah “The Asian region is seeing an explosion in peer Kuala Lumpur, 3 November 2016: Scandinavia’s largest equity crowdfunding platform, FundedByMe, today received one of six coveted permissions by the Malaysian Securities Commission to operate PRESS RELEASE . For immediate release . Equity platform launches in Malaysia by Alix Global and FundedByMe .

It is used to compare the annual interest between funding with  I am a 27-year-old Malaysian, very much in love and proud of my country. I am a LLM (Master of Laws) graduate from SOAS, University of London and currently  Jun 15, 2019 With one of the most developed digital economy in the region, Malaysia is a key country for startups in Southeast Asia.

FundedByMe tog tog förstaplaten i kategorin Alternative Finance i första omgången samt samägda partnerbolag i Finland, Singapore, Malaysia och Mexico.

FundedByMe also operates equity crowdfunding platform as approved by SC Malaysia. It’s a Swedish-based company.

Fundedbyme malaysia

FundedByMe is a crowdfunding platform based in Stockholm, Sweden.The company is active in Scandinavia with joint ventures in Finland, Poland, Malaysia, 

Fundedbyme malaysia

RelSci Relationships. In terms  FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden is a crowdfunding company within Poland, Malaysia, The Netherlands, Singapore and The United Arab  FundedByMe makes it easy to list business opportunities, discover, invest and stay up to date with your investments. FundedByMe Malaysia, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. 1,622 likes · 1 talking about this · 62 were here. FundedByMe Malaysia is the registered P2P Financing and Equity Crowdfunding platform operators FundedByMe Malaysia, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. 1,676 likes · 67 were here.

Announced earlier this year following announced equity crowdfunding regulations by the Malaysian government, Sweden-based FundedByMe and Alix “FundedByMe is strategically positioned as the bridge between Scandinavia and Asia as we early-on saw the trend of cross-border investments - in the first equity crowdfunding campaign from Malaysia, Halal Speed Dating, we saw that 40% of investors came from Europe, which is very exciting for both Asian and European entrepreneurs,” Daboczy continues. The Asian region is seeing an explosion in peer-to-peer activity, particularly, and crowdfunding in general,†says Daniel Daboczy, CEO and co-founder of Fundedbyme. “Fundedbyme is strategically positioned as the bridge between Scandinavia and Asia as we early-on saw the trend of cross-border investments – in the first equity crowdfunding campaign from Malaysia, FundedByMe awarded coveted Asian Peer-to-Peer permissions by Securities Commission Malaysia First Nordic crowdfunded campaign to be listed on stock exchange - now trading Press releases • May 19 Bolaget består i dagsläget av, Feminvest och Laika Consulting (Emissionsmarknadsföringar samt Investor Relations), samt sex samägda partnerbolag i Finland, Malaysia, Singapore, Polen, Holland och Dubai/FAE.
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Fundedbyme malaysia

FundedByMe is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, with a local presence in Dubai, Finland, Malaysia, Poland and Singapore. For more information visit Be it through partnerships or referrals, or if you want to crowdfund your company, reach out to us if you believe we should join forces to create mutual opportunities. Bolaget består i dagsläget av och Laika Consulting (kommunikationsbyrå inom finansiell kommunikation), samt majoritetsägande i Feminvest och även samägda partnerbolag i Finland, Malaysia, Singapore, Polen, Holland och Dubai/FAE. Gruppen når tillsammans över 269,000 registrerade globala investerarmedlemmar.

It also runs a crowdfunding platform in Europe with more than 86,000 investors across 196 countries.
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FundedByMe is a crowdfunding platform based in Stockholm, Sweden.The company is active in Scandinavia with joint ventures in Finland, Poland, Malaysia, The Netherlands, Singapore and The United Arab Emirates (at the Dubai International Financial Centre - DIFC).

FundedByMe Malaysia godkända för samfinansiering med den malaysiska regeringen som allokerar RM50M (€10,8 miljoner) via saminvesteringsfond / tis, okt 15, 2019 08:30 CET Lågupplöst FundedByMe Malaysia är ett samägt partnerskap med FundedByMe Sverige och lokala partners och integrerade under FBM Crowdtech Sdn Bhd. Den malaysiska regeringen med Securities Commission of Kuala Lumpur är föregångare i Sydostasien inom regleringen av crowdfunding och P2P plattformar. Fundedbyme erhöll i juni förra året en licens för aktiebaserad crowdfunding från myndigheterna i Malaysia. I februari uppgav Fundedbyme att bolaget hade tackat nej till en bankinvestering på 15 miljoner kronor.

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Malaysia debut for Fundedbyme: Muslim matchmaking service by Joakim Persson • May 29, 2016 • 0 Comments The Swedish crowdfunding platform has marked its arrival to Malaysia with a ‘Bang!’ after landing its first campaign ever there within just 36 hours, facilitating crowd investment into an online Muslim matchmaking service!

Read More FundedByMe Malaysia (FBM Crowdtech Sdn Bhd) will allow investors and entrepreneurs access FundedByMe, which is a full-service crowdfunding platform headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.