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3 Jun 2018 A DMA Media team oversaw the countdown of BBC Persian to on-air 'The Election That Shook Iran', which was aired in Farsi and English.

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Radio Israel · Radio BBC · Radio Pejvak In this cd I recite my swedish, farsi and english poems. Ali Sadeghian plays santur, piano and keyboard. Here is few  Två svenska medborgare har gripits i Iran i samband med ett tillslag mot ett internationellt narkotikasyndikat, rapporterar BBC Farsi och Reuters  Hans visioner för experimentell komposition gör att han skriver musik i olika stilar och för olika besättningar. Hans senaste verk, oratoriet Persian Epilogue  Ordet Punjab kommer från persiska (Farsi/Persiska: panj āb “fem vatten”) där fem floder rinner igenom Punjab.

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3 Jun 2018 A DMA Media team oversaw the countdown of BBC Persian to on-air 'The Election That Shook Iran', which was aired in Farsi and English. 5 Aug 2019 Iran has been jamming and blocking BBC Persian and VOA Persian "The BBC has chosen to broadcast in Farsi for a reason, and you would  15 Jul 2019 A deal to not share reporting from Iran on BBC Persian has angered staffers who see it as complicity with a government that imprisons, tortures  تازه ترین اخبار و گزارش ها درباره ایران، جهان، سیاست و اقتصاد، جامعه و فرهنگ، تماشای ویدیو و دیدن عکس به سایت فارسی بی بی سی مراجعه کنید. 17 Aug 2019 Aparat is a weekly program aired on BBC Persian introducing and showing Iranian and Persian language films accompanied by a panel  6 Sep 2018 The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) had a significant presence at the High-Level Conference on the International Decade for  The BBC News app brings you news from the BBC and our global network of journalists. The app also offers the BBC World Service Radio streamed live, social  5 Feb 2010 4 BBC Persian television.
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5 Aug 2019 Iran has been jamming and blocking BBC Persian and VOA Persian "The BBC has chosen to broadcast in Farsi for a reason, and you would 

3 Jun 2018 A DMA Media team oversaw the countdown of BBC Persian to on-air 'The Election That Shook Iran', which was aired in Farsi and English. 5 Aug 2019 Iran has been jamming and blocking BBC Persian and VOA Persian "The BBC has chosen to broadcast in Farsi for a reason, and you would  15 Jul 2019 A deal to not share reporting from Iran on BBC Persian has angered staffers who see it as complicity with a government that imprisons, tortures  تازه ترین اخبار و گزارش ها درباره ایران، جهان، سیاست و اقتصاد، جامعه و فرهنگ، تماشای ویدیو و دیدن عکس به سایت فارسی بی بی سی مراجعه کنید. 17 Aug 2019 Aparat is a weekly program aired on BBC Persian introducing and showing Iranian and Persian language films accompanied by a panel  6 Sep 2018 The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) had a significant presence at the High-Level Conference on the International Decade for  The BBC News app brings you news from the BBC and our global network of journalists.

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