Most Swedes are fluent in English and running business meetings with foreigners in English is common. However, if you are a business 


Check 'how are you' translations into Swedish. Look through examples of how are you translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.

Have a nice day. Ha det så bra/ Ta hand om dig! Take care. God morgon! Good Morning!

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The most common way I’ve heard “how are you?” in Swedish is “Hur är det?” which translates to “How is it?”. Of course, this can depend on the region as well. This is most commonly heard in northern Sweden and areas of Stockholm. How are you (feeling)?

#12 Take off your shoes! You’ll quickly notice that shoes are taken off when entering private residences in Sweden.


Thank alot guys! du - you (singular) i - in talar - speak(s) svenska - Swedish (language) jag - I (pronounce /ja/ (long a) with no g) engelska - English (language) Swedish slang Til Laget groovy people? We have a great collection of Colloquial swedish expressions,people say on the streets, cool expressions for the in  We are going to learn how to start the letter, which sentences we could use in the beginning and how to end the letter. Let me guide you through the phrases that  The sections of Language Characteristics, Key Words, and Additional Resources below are designed to help you find the words you need.

How are you in swedish

To say “hello” in Swedish you can start with “Hej.” Learn how to say hello in Swedish with Rosetta Stone's award-winning app.

How are you in swedish

For example, in English, we can say “How’s it going?”, “How’s it hanging?”, “Wassup?”. How to say how are you in Swedish. how are you.

How do you say “My name is You can also choose to get a taxi, which is the same word in Swedish as in English. If you 1.
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How are you in swedish

Learn Swedish | Simple Swedish 1 - (Hello/How are you?/Goodbye) | Lesson 11.

Cover of Securitas Annual and Sustainability Report 2020 Swedish version  – After a few weeks in Barcelona, I began finding my way to restaurants that the locals went to, and I had my first “real” tapas experiences. We  Efter ett år med pandemi och skolstängningar släpper branschen för utbildningsteknologi, Swedish Edtech Industry, sin andra branschrapport.
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If someone is speaking to you in Swedish, ask them to repeat phrases slowly if you do not understand by saying, "Var snäll och tala långsammare."A good way to learn Swedish is to listen to Swedish podcasts and watch Swedish YouTube videos.

You probably already know this one. It means 'thank you' in general terms. However, when someone says: Tack!

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Furthermore, Swedish also made a distinction between a formal “you” (Ni) and a familiar “you” (du) when addressing another person. This distinction no longer exists in English, but those who speak German or French are probably somewhat familiar with the German Sie and du , and the French vous and tu .

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